Well, 'tis the season to be sexist? I heard this Christmas classic the other day- "Baby, It's Cold Outside," and thought to myself, "Wow, this simple little ditty has some very disturbing underlying messages!" As most of us know, it is a duet with a man and a women arguing whether the woman should stay at the man's residence just a little longer. She is trying to come home and he keeps coming up with reasons for her to stay. Um, doesn't no mean no? I don't think that he is asking her to stay to play Scrabble. The poor woman tells the man that she has family waiting at home, she has a reputation to keep, and countless other reasons. But he just keeps on insisting that it's cold outside! He keeps plying her with alcohol and even tells her not to "hold out" because it will hurt his male ego!
Yes, clearly this song is outdated- it's from the forties. But there is a new version by the very popular country crossover group Lady Antebellum. This places it in recent times. Listen to it yourself- it is pretty shocking! I never noticed this context before. This is what taking a women's studies class will do to you!
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